Earliest Settlers’ Homes
This listing is representative of the earliest settlers’ homes built before 1800.
All of these homes can be seen from the street and do necessitate traversing private
property to view.
Mathias Benner Homestead (before 1794)
Old County Road
Located in the area once known as “Glendon”, this cape cod house was purchased by Mathias Benner with 300 acres in 1794 from Joshua and Stephen Smith. He had 13 children. Many features typical of early home construction remain, but over the years changes have been made. Many rooms were converted to other uses and a porch was added.
Amasa Bryant Home (1793)
East Neck Road
This cape cod style house was built ca. 1793. Many of the original construction features are preserved.
Fuller-Clarke (Old Barstow) Home (1795)
Harrington Corner (junction of Morgan Hill and Bayview Roads)
This 2-story house is located on the original post road (later Route 1). It was moved here from another location. Story has it that its placement so close to the road is due to the fact that as night came on, the movers stopped, leaving the house in its present location. They did not return to finish the move. This house once served as a tavern with dance hall on the second floor. There are 5 fireplaces with a large central chimney. A circular sea captain’s staircase leads to the second floor. In the rear of the house can be seen “the famous spring that never runs dry.” Many of the original construction features are preserved.
Jesse Dunbar Home (1797)
East Neck Road
This house replaced the original log cabin (1793). It retains its original hand hewn timbers but the interior has been extensively remodeled. The barn was built in 1796 and has been converted to a residence.
Winslow-Genthner Home (Wayside Tea Room) (ca 1794-95)
Route One, Glendon area (just south of the junction of East Pond Road and Route One)
This home remains in the Genthner family and is run seasonally as an antique/gift shop. It retains its large fireplace with Dutch oven and many wide floorboards and wainscoting.
Lewis-Julia-Clara Haines Home and Barn (1780)
Borland Hill Road, Damariscotta Mills
This home has retained the original pine and mahogany floors as well as many of the original construction features. It has a Dutch oven in the fireplace.
James Hall House (1791)
East Neck Road
This home, originally built on Old County Road, was moved during the winter across the Vannah Farm (prior to the railroad) and across the ice of Muscongus Bay in Damariscotta Lake using many yokes of oxen. This move occurred sometime between 1803 and 1815. The home remains in the Hall family.
Timothy Hall-Winter Home (1778)
West Neck Road (junction with Upper Cross Road)
William and Mary Hall who had 8 children built this home. The property was later divided between the 2 oldest sons. A 1798 survey valued the house at $95 with 100 acres valued at $500.
Hussey-Spear Farm (ca 1785)
Upper East Pond Road (also known as the “Back Road”)
Although this house has been completely modernized, it retains some of the original hand hewn timbers. The overall structure of the house is typical of nearly all the old houses in this area – built rather simply and low posted. This home remains in the Spear family and has been operated as a farm for many years.
Jacob Eugley House (ca 1790)
Junction of Upper East Pond Road (“Back Road”) and Eugley Hill Road
Thus mustard colored house has been completely restored by the present owner. The Eugleys were residents here for several generations and this area is known as “Eugley’s Hill.”
Merrill Farm (ca 1768)
Center Street (at the junction with Route One)
Thomas Merrill came to Nobleboro in 1757 at 16 years of age. In the 1798 tax listing, he had a dwelling house valued at $200 and 200 acres of land valued at $700. He and his wife raised 12 children on this farm located at the head of Pemaquid Pond. The old Snackerty Road (in early times, this was the Indian trail for portaging canoes between Muscongus Bay and Pemaquid Pond) passes through the dooryard, just westerly of the house. At one time this same trail was used to connect the present Route One to Vannah Road (also known as the Butter and Egg Road). This was an official town road laid out and accepted from 1810 to 1935.
Rollins and Oliver Homestead (1773)
Center Street (Old Route One)
The original settler of this land is reported to have been John Rollins, Sr. who moved here in 1736 from Massachusetts. His son, John Rollins, Jr., acquired the property. It is presumed that the original home of the family was a log cabin, which later would have been replaced by a frame building. The oldest part of the house is reported to have been built in 1773. The 2 ells were added in the late 1870’s. The large chestnut tree in front of the house was planted in 1902.
Snow Farm (before 1789)
Junction of Center Street (Old Route One) and Morgan Hill Road
The original owner of this property was Nobleboro’s first doctor, Dr. Nathan Jewett, who is listed in the records as “Practitioner of Physick.” It was sold in 1793 to Nathaniel Snow whose family farmed the land for 93 years.
Arthur Noble House (1767)
Belvedere Road, Damariscotta Mills
The original land deeded to Arthur by his uncle James stretched to the Great Salt Bay. James built a sloop and schooner on the shore prior to the sale. The property was sold to Captain Benjamin Barstow who with his brother established a shipyard on the portion of the property bordering the bay. This home retains most of its original features although it has been restored and modernized. The home was moved back from the road in the late 1990’s. The original foundation fieldstones and hand split granite blocks were used to construct the present stone wall surrounding the house.
Charles Umberhind Home (1799)
East Pond Road (“Back Road”)
Charles was one of the early German immigrants who settled in the Waldoboro-Nobleboro area. The original property contained 141 acres (from Muscongus Bay on Damariscotta Lake to near the Waldoboro town line). A roadway led from East Pond Road to the Camp Meeting Grounds (site of camp revivals).
Richard Moody House (ca 1796)
East Pond Road (just north of the junction with Upper East Pond Road)
This house has been extensively remodeled. It retains some of the original corner posts and beams. It also retained the beehive oven in the fireplace.
Asa Dinsmore House (1780’s)
East Pond Road (just south of the town line with Jefferson)
This small cape-type home is known as the oldest home in North Nobleboro. The overall structure of the house is typical in many ways of the old houses in this area – built simply and low posted. This house is smaller than most and has only one, narrow window on the second floor. It is in the field in front of this house into which a meteorite fell in August 1823. Asa Dinsmore witnessed this event. Bowdoin College analyzed a fragment of the meteor.
Moody Homestead Area (1770’s)
East Pond Road
Amos Moody settled this area and the original barns can still be seen on the east side of the road directly across from one of the family cemeteries. The houses with the barns were built throughout the late 1700’s. Just past this area is the Joshua Moody home in front of which is a large horse chestnut tree. Extensive restoration of both barn and house are currently underway. Joshua was one of the few settlers in this area to keep honeybees.